Friday, February 14, 2014


"You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have"- B.Marley

---> This quote never really struck me until major points in my life (which i wouldn't bother enumerating….to my closest friends, you would know.:) )

It started when i came to Canada…specifically 2010. For 3 years it affected me so bad that as days passed, it gradually destroyed my mind and body, without me realizing how grave it was. I LOST FOCUS ON MYSELF and directed my energy on others. I didn't know how bad it was until at one point, i couldn't handle it anymore. It took one big Knockout to really sink my way to the bottom. 

Although i had amazing people (Thank God for you guys) who listened, supported and gave advise , who has always been there & never once judged, It was SIMPLY ALL ON ME. At the end, i had to make my own decisions, i had to fight my inner battles and cannot just depend every time on others.

For months i have struggled getting back up. It seems like as i'm about to get back up, i'm being knocked down again. But now i am happy and PROUD to say, i am at such an amazing stage in my life because of the CHOICE i had to make right then and there...

                     "Will i make people, events, things and situations control my life or fight through?" 

I've been always questioning "Why?" and as months passed, i slowly realized the reasoning behind each struggle.
Glad that it happened,  so many life lessons learned, true friends discovered, relationships tested and strengthened, but most of all, i learned to GIVE MYSELF A BREAK and started focusing back to myself.

I thought it was more of a selfish kind of act, feeling guilty of just having the thought of "loving yourself first" But i was totally wrong.


choosing my battles, 
positivity over negativity, 
trying new things, 
de-stressing myself, 
rewarding personal achievements,
Self-Pleasure and
Self Expression

 and in return, the right people will love you back. How do you expect others to love you if you do not even love yourself in the first place?

One of the things that i was not consistent on was Self pleasure and Self Expression aka BEING YOURSELF
                                                        Being Yourself= Happier you.
3 things that are actually "ME"or that best describes are:

Art/Makeup Artistry, Fashion & Fitness/Sports/Dance. Weird combo, typical likes/hobbies but whatevs. (haters gonna hate!)
one moment you see me in heels and makeup next thing i hit the tracks, compete and lift. girly girl but tomboy in a way…again, weird & does not make sense but whatevs.

ohh, one more thing. FAITH. But that was more consistent and was not really ashamed of ...(plus i had a whole community to share, experience and grow with) 

anyway, which explains why i've started this fitness blog because i really DO ENJOY it and the self-expression part, I'm an introvert. it takes a LOT of effort from me to be close to you or to even share, most especially on a personal level. Said and done. Hence, the blogging part. Its just MY WAY for me to reach out to others.. LOL. 

Also, 2 things that were a big deal for me was learning how to "ACCEPT, LET GO & FORGIVE" and simply weeding out bad energy or sucky people in my life. 


I personally want to thank people that helped me get through… you know who you are :)

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